Louisiana State Representative Beryl Amedee was re-elected to her second term for LA House District 51! She has worked tirelessly for the last four years in Baton Rouge, being a voice at the Legislature for the people of Terrebonne, St. Mary, Assumption, and Lafourche parishes . She is a steadfast champion for:
Family Values
The Pro-Life Movement
The 2nd Amendment
Parental Rights
Budget Transparency
Parental Choice in Education
Smaller Government
Businesses Improving Louisiana
Consumer Protection
Fiscal Responsibility
Representative Amedee serves on the following Standing Committees:
Labor and Industrial Relations
And these Subcommittees and Legislative Caucuses:
Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget
Dedicated Fund Review Subcommittee
Atchafalaya Basin Program Oversight Committee
Public Recreation Access Task Force
Louisiana Legislative Women’s Caucus, Vice Chair
Prevention of Sexual Harassment Task Force
Acadiana Delegation
Louisiana Rural Caucus
Louisiana Republican Legislative Delegation